Columbia Flower Market.
Den levande och ständigt föränderliga del av London, Shoreditch, är väl värt ett besök. Oavsett om du vill besöka marknader eller bara strosa runt. Stadsdelen är väl mest känd för all sin streetart (eller graffiti om ni så önskar) och den finns verkligen överallt och är riktigt häftig!
// Last Sunday, I visited Columbia Road Flower Market for the first time. If I were to be really honest, I had'nt even heard of it before. But just as the name suggests, it is a flower market, which is only open on Sundays. Whether it's windy, rainy or sunshine so the market is open from 08:00 until 3ish. Here you can find all kinds of flowers, of course, by season, at really good prices. I ware really tempted to get my hands on large bouquets of flowers to my room, but then I remembered that I do not own a vase .. -.-
The flower market is found in the district of Shoreditch, with other markets such as Brick Lane and Spitalfields within walking distance. Brick Lane Market is open only on Sundays, although the shops along the street are open seven days a week. Spitalfields is open seven days a week.
This vibrant and ever-changing part of London, Shoreditch, is well worth a visit. Whether you want to visit markets or just stroll around. The district is well known for all its street art (graffiti, or if you wish) and it's really all over the place and is really cool! //
Tycker marknaderna blir så tråkiga med alla turister :( men älskar Columbia. Köper minst två buketter i månaden. ♡