
Travel, flowers, summer, long hair, One Direction, dreams, school, work, tattos and so much more

Just some things on my mind right now. Its all a bit upsidedown at the moment. I listen alot to One Direction right now, can't wait for their concert in june. I plan a lot as well, scholarships and checklists. So much to do. So much to plan. Im so happy that Im finally going away, I've been dreaming about this for so long. But Im also scared like hell. This is something completely new, new country, new school, new friends, a new life. I love it, but Im terrefied. But that's okey, right? 
The Adventure of my life. Can't wait for it to happen, scared as I may be but im so excited! Excited for something new.
Adventures, Life | london, love, one direction, thoughts, weheartit | |
#1 - - ADARAS:

Så fantastiska bilder! Och så avis på din konsertbiljett. Vill också se One Direction <3

Svar: jag är sååå lycklig över att jag ska få se dom, känns lite galet!Men finns det inte biljetter kvar? Jag ska på extrakonserten den 14onde :) Kika, så kan du hänga på! :D
johanna lindholm

#2 - - Sandra:

Skulle själv vilja gå på konsert, men inte One Direction dock. :P

Svar: ska se Miley också snart, tokpepp :D
johanna lindholm

#3 - - ANNA-SARA:

Så härliga bilder!
